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Is one of your New Year's Resolutions to become a healthier version of yourself? You're in good company.

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Working out and Lifting can be your favorite hobby, but at some point, you risk a results plateau, mental burnout, or feeling unmotivated and stuck in an overall fitness rut.

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The holidays are a crazy time - the food, the family, the traveling - all of these factors can make you fall off the fitness wagon. But there’s hope! The weight people actually gain over the holiday is far less than most people believe, and it’s easier than you think to stay in shape over the holidays. The fitness pros at HomeGrown Lifting have some easy ways to leave the holiday season looking sleek and not like Santa. Keep a Routine It’s not always possible to adhere to a strict routine when traveling or having houseguests, but do your best...

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If you work out, you want to get the most out of your efforts. Eating right and combining cardio with other training are essential, but does it matter what time of day you start weight training? The fitness pros at HomeGrown Lifting are sharing what we know to help you make the most gains while working out. Weight Training in the Morning A primary benefit of training in the morning is that you’ll already have your workout done for the day. Exercise is a great way to start your day and completing your weight training session first thing will help...

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Women tend to avoid weight training out of fear that they will become too bulky or look masculine. The women on our team at HomeGrown Lifting assure you that’s not how it works. Lifting weights benefits everyone, including ladies, and we have some tips to get you started. Benefits of Strength Training for Women You will burn more calories at rest. Since more energy is needed to maintain muscle than fat, this will help you meet your goal of losing or maintaining weight. The sooner you begin building muscle, the less you’ll lose as you age. Several studies have shown...

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