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Staying in Shape Over the Holidays
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Staying in Shape Over the Holidays

The holidays are a crazy time - the food, the family, the traveling - all of these factors can make you fall off the fitness wagon. But there’s hope! The weight people actually gain over the holiday is far less than most people believe, and it’s easier than you think to stay in shape over the holidays. The fitness pros at HomeGrown Lifting have some easy ways to leave the holiday season looking sleek and not like Santa.

Keep a Routine

It’s not always possible to adhere to a strict routine when traveling or having houseguests, but do your best to eat at the same times of day and keep up with your workouts. Planning can make a world of difference. If you are staying with family or friends, ask if they have fitness equipment you can use or if a nearby gym offers day passes. Plan simple workouts that require little space or equipment.

Take Advantage of Exercise Opportunities

If you find yourself on babysitting duty, suggest a game of football or tag to get everyone up and moving. You can also volunteer to help your hosts with chores like shoveling or cleaning the house. Make sure to stand for at least 10 minutes every hour, and take advantage of every chance to get your steps in. Take the stairs, park farther away from the store, or offer to take your aunt’s dog around the block. It’s super easy to work fitness into your day, no matter what happens.

Knowledge (and Protein) is Power

You know how important protein is for building and maintaining muscle, but it’s also a great way to keep your weight in check. Enjoy a protein-filled shake or snack about an hour before a large meal so you’ll eat less unhealthy food. Familiarize yourself with portion sizes before you find yourself face to face with the buffet table, and limit drinks with lots of sugar and alcohol.

 Tis the Season…to be Stressed Out

It’s not possible to completely avoid stress during the holidays, but keeping your stress in check is pretty simple. High amounts of stress can weaken your resolve to avoid the cookie tray, so have a plan for managing stress and anxiety. It can be meditating, yoga, a hot bath, or listening to your favorite music. If you can’t find time to unwind, set a reminder in your phone’s calendar and treat it like the essential appointment it is.

Focus on the “Long Game”

We're proud of you if you can eat right and stay active from Thanksgiving through the New Year. If you slip up, don’t beat yourself up too much. Overindulging is not the end of your fitness journey. Remember that consistency is a key to physical fitness, and there are 365 days in a year. What you do on most days will outweigh any less-than-ideal choices you make on a couple of days of the year.

Contact Us

HomeGrown Lifting has everything you need to begin or continue weightlifting. Get in touch with us with any questions you have. Don’t forget that fitness equipment makes a great gift, and we’re happy to ship anywhere in the lower 48 United States.

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